Racism is one of the major causes suicides in the world. Over 62 million people have died in the past 100 years from racism. 62 million is to large of a number for deaths we need to stop racism because it is what caused the Holocaust. That is crazy because the Holocaust was a world changing event. Another thing is the Holocaust was a racial event and it alone has killed 11 million people and when it happened a nation tried to wipe out a whole entire race. Racism is a serious crime so don’t become a criminal. Some of the effects are Self hate, Self loathing, Self harm issues, Suicide, Depression,Eating disorders, Fear of going to school/public places (agoraphobia), Bullying, Knife and gun crime and Panic attacks.

Here is a link to site a movie that is all about modern day slavery which is the drug war.

Another form of racism is enslavement where they would take men, women and even children and turn them into slaves. What I’m about to show you is some forms of torture that they did because they thought that the people they enslaved were only for slave work and were worth nothing. branding, whipping, chaining, mutilation, etc. Some were even made a public spectacle. Some slaves were made to endure what is called the “cold water treatment”, where a slave stands under a water pump and is drenched.

My solutions to racism is to help people understand what what people are good at and how that can help them get along better. Another solution would be to make more schools that all races can go to for their education.

This is my one wish because I have had experience and it is not very good feeling that comes out of racism and because many people die from racism so lets all stop racism.

Outsiders Entry For Chapter 9-12.

Hey its me again In this post I’m going to talk about friendship and During the book him and Johnny have many bonding adventures and they end up know more about themselves than they ever did before which to me is very important. The reason that having friends is so important is because they teach you things that you never could have learned on your own. Here is a link to a site on the importance of friendship. http://www.girl.com.au/importantfriends.htm.  Another reason I think friends are so important is also shown in the page I gave you. Friends are your shoulder to cry on and they care for you if they are a true friend. I know when I have a true friend because I will say some thing that is important to me and they will give an honest opinion. You will know when it is an honest opinion because it will either be helpful or they will say what they think about the thought. Here is another site on how you know when you have a true friend. http://www.wikihow.com/Decide-if-Your-Friend-is-a-True-Friend.