Curse of the spider king is the book I’m reading in class for an independent novel study. I like this book so far because it is action filled and the main characters are my age. The book is on seven thirteen year olds and friends teachers and all that kind of stuff but anyway. So far in the book I’ve read about all seven of the teenagers. Right now in the book all of them have been getting followed by as strange man who they have never seen or known. Most of the kids have been getting “gifts” . The gifts are books which take them into another world full of Elves and their enemies the Gwars. The elves are all in one big city called Berinfell. There are seven colonies of elves who live there. Then there is the Gwars. These guys are spider riding assassins for an evil overlord called the spider king.  The kids names are Tommy Bowman, Autumn Brairman and Johnny Brairman who are siblings but Johnny’s the thirteen year old, James “Jimmy” Lewis Gresham, Kat Simonson, Kiri Lee and Jett Green. What I’ve found interesting so far in the book is that three of the kids have gotten strange abilities. Kat has the ability to read and see peoples thoughts, Tommy has very good accuracy with a bow and arrow( which he never had before.) and Jett has the ability to be able to heal extremely quickly. So if your ever looking for a good book look for this series. Bye 🙂

One Response to CURSE OF THE SPIDER KING!!!!!! Dun Dun Da

  1. Sumari says:

    Very interesting book your reading. Sounds different. I think it is cool how they have cool abilities and powers. It would be really cool to read someones mind, and know what they are thinking. That sounds like being a creep. Just like it sounds the one guy the 7 kids never knew before. I can’t imagine going to a different world with all your enimies. That would be a little scary! I like your post it the book sounds very interesting.

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